link to the invitation
Liisa's birthday picnic
Exploring a ball
am I really one?
Daddy, can I play NOW?
Aaron and Ella (around 11 weeks or so)
Katrin and Oliver
Birthday balloons. This is the first time we bought balloons for Liisa.
Since she adores balls she loved the balloons. She played with them
until they deflated (we still have the laydybug one about 3 weeks later)
Liisa and her cake (no frosting on top to make it less messy in the
blowing out the candle (well, actually I had to blow it out)
singing happy birthday
Alex, Anna and Iris
Aaron and Ella
Carol, Ella's mom
Katrin and Oliver
Liisa and her feet
Aaron, David, vanaisa and Liisa
Katrin and Oliver
Ella and Carol
Anna and Iris
Faith and Toomas (Katrin's son)
Liisa the treehugger :)
opening a couple of presents from Emily and Mina