January 2007. The month of the Big Move.

We left our Seattle apartment in December and stayed with David's parents in Olympia for the final two weeks. Liisa enjoyed the time especially since it snowed! And it remaind snowy for several days, something quite unusual in these parts of Washington.

Her first snowfort, well, it is a wall of  a fort, almost the real thing, no?

The first snowman

And first taste of snow.

And before we knew it (or after a long in-between time warp period) we were in Tallinn.

And here was serious snow as well. You had to dig out your car every day.

and showel the driveway clean.

We stayed in Tallinn with my parents while we were in the process of getting the last papers for David's residency permit application. Here we are in front of the town hall, built to this appearance 1402-1404.

It was crisp and cold. And we had to go and deal with stupid bureaucratic papers.

Walking to get health insurance. Central part of Tallinn.

And then we finally had everything and submitted the paperwork and were ready to go to our home-to-be.

with ceilings so cracked that sand (used for insulation on the ceiling) was falling into our bedroom

not all the way dismanteled greenhouse snowed under

living room packed with old furniture and general crap

view to the other side of the living room, towards the kitchen


and other side of the kitchen, towards the living room

kitchen stove

small bedroom full of stuff

the door here leads to the bathroom, so if you want to use it you have to walk through this bedroom. No alternate bathrooms.

and other view from the same room.

Needless to say, at first it felt pretty hopeless and sad.